Advanced Management Certificate focus: Building Resilience and Managing Mental Health

Over the coming weeks, we will be putting each of the 11 Advanced Management Programme Certificates under the spotlight.

The GCMA Advanced Management Programme consists of four Awards and 11 Certificates, each developed and created in association with specialist training providers and industry experts.

We are putting each of the Certificates under the spotlight so you can learn all you need to know about them.

This week, we’re looking at the Building Resilience and Managing Mental Health Certificate, part of the Leadership and Personal Development Award. This Certificate will be delivered on April 8th & 9th in Cardiff.

You can learn more about this Certificate, including a chat with our training partner Charlotte Wiseman of Charlotte Wiseman Leadership and Wellbeing Consultants, on this episode of the GCMA Insights podcast.



Building Resilience and Managing Mental Health

Training Partner

Charlotte Wiseman Leadership and Wellbeing Consultants

“Drawing on over 35 years of psychology, neuroscience and behavioural science, we help leaders, teams and organisations to improve individual and business performance by enhancing wellbeing, resilience and mental fitness.”

Programme Overview

Cultivating psychological safety by:

  • Establishing a shared understanding of the role psychological safety, positive mental health and resilience play.
  • Introducing a practical framework to understand, assess and share top tips.
  • Providing practical steps to enhance performance, resilience and success.

Leading with mental health in mind by:

  • Leading with mental health in mind by:
  • Providing essential skills to spot the signs of poor mental health proactively.
  • Exploring the complexities of balancing business needs and people needs.

Exploring the leader’s duty of care by:

  • Exploring the leader’s duty of care by:
  • Establishing how to apply your learnings on psychological safety and mental health.
  • Establishing metrics to track progress and sustain positive change.
  • Written examination and practical assessment

Who is this Certificate suitable for?

  • Golf club managers
  • Deputy golf club managers, operations managers or similar role
  • Director of golf, head professional or similar role
  • Course managers, head greenkeepers, deputy course managers
  • Honorary secretaries

Learning and Development Outcomes for YOU and YOUR CLUB

You will gain a greater understanding of the importance of managing mental health and wellbeing in your club. You will also decelop the skills to enhance engagement, inspire excellence and promote mental fitness by improving psychological safety, resilience and mental health.

You will return to your club with a new perspective, a comprehensive toolkit of skills and a personal action plan to achieve this plan for yourself and your team to aid in your quest for greater success in the future.

Delegates will also gain a MHFA England Certified Managers Mental Health Qualification as part of this certificate.


Advanced Management Programme – Contact Form

All general enquiries for the GCMA’s Advanced Management Programme

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