Advanced Management Certificate focus: Golf Course Management for Golf Club Managers

Over the coming weeks, we will be putting each of the 11 Advanced Management Programme Certificates under the spotlight.

The GCMA Advanced Management Programme consists of four Awards and 11 Certificates, each developed and created in association with specialist training providers and industry experts.

We are putting each of the Certificates under the spotlight so you can learn all you need to know about them.

This week, we’re looking at the Golf Course Management for Golf Club Managers Certificate, part of the Golf Operations and Hospitality Award. This three-day course will be delivered across April 29th to May 1st at Moortown Golf Club in Leeds.



Golf Course Management for Golf Club Managers

Training Partner

The Bernhard Academy are experts in building and delivering programmes specialising in subject areas including agronomy, technical, mechanical
and leadership and management.

The team are experienced and knowledgeable in their field and are passionate about developing people to be leaders in the industry.

Programme Overview

Principles of Golf Course Management

  • Common greenkeeping practices, turf management and quality control

Environmental Sustainability

  • Water management, bio-diversity and conservation

Golf Course Strategy and Planning

  • Developing an ambitious, realistic vision
  • Fundamentals of improvement plans

Relationship Management

  • Roles and responsibilities within the club
  • Stakeholder communications

Asset Management and Capital Planning

  • Purchasing and planning

Budgeting and Finances

  • Using data and information
  • Key golf course consumable costs

Who is this Certificate suitable for?

  • Golf club managers
  • Deputy golf club managers, operations managers or similar role
  • Director of golf, head professional or similar role
  • Honorary secretaries

Learning and Development Outcomes for YOU and YOUR CLUB

From the perspective that a Golf Club Manager requires, you will develop a sound knowledge and understanding of greenkeeping practices and to ensure that the golf course is effectively and successfully managed through the expertise that your greenkeeping team provide.

You will develop a greater understanding of how to work and communicate effectively with your greenkeeping team and all stakeholders. You will build an understanding of how to ask the right questions, to obtain the information you need in order to make the right decisions for the long-term success and sustainability of your golf course.


Advanced Management Programme – Contact Form

All general enquiries for the GCMA’s Advanced Management Programme

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