Go the distance, save men’s lives

Feature your golf club on The Big Golf Race course finder website.

Prostate Cancer UK have launched their Big Golf Race 2025 campaign ‘Go the distance. Save men’s lives’. challenging golfers to take on 36, 72 or 100+ holes in a day to raise money to fund lifesaving research to stop men dying from prostate cancer.

We’d love you to support the campaign by sharing their campaign on social media and in your club, and by featuring on The Big Golf Race course finder website where golfers can find clubs happy to help them take on 36, 72 and 100+ challenges in a day.

Go the distance and help save lives this summer

Challenge yourself to 36, 72, or 100 holes of golf in one day at your club and go the distance to drive lifesaving prostate cancer research — together, we can create a future where early diagnosis saves lives. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer without a screening programme. Over 12,000 dads, brothers, partners and golf mates are lost to the disease every year.

So it’s time to book your tee times, get your golf mates together and help save men’s lives this summer by supporting Prostate Cancer UK. Everyone who raises £250+ will be entered into a prize to win a golf trip to Aphrodite Hills for 4 people in May 2026.

Sign up now: https://biggolfrace.prostatecanceruk.org

Email golf@prostatecanceruk.org or call the Prostate Cancer UK golf team on 020 3310 719 to feature on The Big Golf Race course finder in 2025.

By GCMA Content Team

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