Have your say for the golf club Industry

We need your valuable input to shape the future of club safety and compliance.

Golf Club Managers are being encouraged to take part in the 2024 Club Safety and Compliance Survey.

Taking place for the third year running, this survey is designed to gather insights from Golf Club Managers like you across the UK and Ireland to better understand the current challenges and areas for improvement in safety, compliance, and training.

We need your valuable input to shape the future of club safety and compliance!

Why participate?

  • Your voice matters: Share your experiences and help us identify key pain points.
  • Shape the future: Your feedback will directly influence the development of tools and solutions tailored to the needs of golf clubs.
  • Quick and easy: The survey takes only a few minutes to complete.

We believe the collective insights from our network of club managers and staff can drive significant improvements in the industry. Please share this survey with your peers and encourage them to participate. Together, we can make a difference!

Click here to take part in the survey

By GCMA Content Team

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