Four places left — to hit the reset button

Join Kevin Fish in Hunstanton from April 23 for the next ‘Chautauqua’ event, with just four places left to claim.

At the GCMA Conference last year, several speakers talked about the importance of taking time away from the coal face of your job.

Spending time with others in a similar role discussing the challenges we all face, and even why we do this job, is a great way to hit the reset button for the season ahead.

One of our keynote speakers, Kevin Fish, hosts events for managers that do just that, and after a hugely successful launch in Kelso last September, the next event runs in Hunstanton in three weeks’ time.

The testimonials from last years event are compelling, and can be read at the link below, along with an outline of what is involved in the ‘Chautauqua’.

Spaces are limited to just 20 managers at each event, with many of those spaces already taken by the managers who have already benefited from this event and are returning for more.

To reserve your place (or your e-bike!) email and for more information about the event, click on the link below.

CCL Chautauqua UK – Contemporary Club Leadership


  • Discussing your challenges with people who understand them
  • Sharing your knowledge with others in our industry
  • Stimulating ideas and solutions to bring to your club & career
  • Challenging yourself in a non competitive supportive environment
  • Opening other areas of the brain & letting in the light
  • Taking a step back to see life’s hurdles in a different way
  • Reconnecting with managers you have met along your career journey
  • Maintaining and growing your network of industry supporters
  • Identifying new contacts with industry specialisms & experience
  • Continuous professional development beyond the classroom (CPD recognised)
  • Hitting the reset button after a challenging or difficult period
  • Charging your batteries for another year at the coal face of club management

By GCMA Content Team

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