Committee for Golf Club Salaries update

The CGCS and GCMA have issued an update on the committee’s recommendations for 2023.

Under normal circumstances, the Committee for Golf Club Salaries agrees, on an annual basis, a recommended percentage uplift on salaries for all golf club employees. Unfortunately, due to the turbulent economic climate throughout 2022 and so far in 2023, and with this set to continue for the immediate future, the committee has not been able to reach agreement on a specific recommendation on salaries or annual increases. Sufficient members of the committee believe that for this year any salary decisions must be a decision made individually by clubs in light of the circumstances they find themselves in.

The committee firmly believes that golf club employees are critical to the health of the sport and of individual facilities and would urge clubs to award appropriate salary increases where they can, taking into account cost of living issues and the financial outlook for the facility.

For reference, please find below key data:

% increase% increase% increase% increase% increase% increase
Month (2022)CPICPIHTotal Pay (inc bonuses)Regular PayPrivate SectorPublic Sector

WRHR: Wholesale, Retail, Hotels & Restaurants sector
(Highest growing sector in months June to October)

CPI: Consumer Price Index

CPIH: Consumer Price Index (owner occupiers’ housing costs), includes costs associated with
housing, considered the most comprehensive measure of inflation

GCMA update re: Golf club manager salary calculator and recommendations

We are continuing to work with our friends at BIGGA, PGA and the Home Unions on the subject of salary recommendations for the collective workforce of Golf Clubs in the UK.

The GCMA conducted a recent survey to gather data on salary increases that have already been implemented by Golf Clubs in 2023. A summary of results from the recent survey is outlined below:

YOY % salary increase%  of clubs surveyed
Under 5%8%
10% or over15%

In order to assist golf clubs in their decision-making process for salary increases in the immediate future, it is recommended that golf club boards and committees refer to the latest Consumer Price Inflation reports which can be found on the ONS website.

Whilst the CGCS Salary Calculator itself is an excellent and well respected resource, the GCMA Board are aware that current data sitting behind CGCS salary calculator for golf club managers has not been updated in recent years and therefore, in some instances, the recommendations being provided are not an accurate reflection of current salary bands.

Therefore the GCMA Board have taken the decision, as a temporary measure, to remove the calculator from the CGCS website, in order to conduct a thorough piece of research on manager level salaries. Once this piece of work has been completed, in collaboration with the rest of the Commitee for Golf Club Salaries, the calculator will be updated and republished on the CGCS website.

The GCMA Board, in collaboration with the CGCS, will aim for the salary calculator to be back in operation by no later than September 1st 2023, to enable clubs to use this as an accurate reference for planning salary reviews ahead of 2024. 

Apologies for any inconvenience that this may cause and we hope that you understand this is being done for the right reasons to ensure we are taking responsibility for providing up to date and suitable advice on a matter of upmost importance.

In the meantime, if any GCMA member or club committee / board director, has an individual salary issue they would appreciate some assistance with, please do not hesitate to contact Tom Brooke, GCMA CEO on We have over 500 anonymised responses from within our recent members survey, so can offer some assistance in terms of current salary figures at comparable clubs on an individual basis if required.

Finally, it is recognised that high standards within golf operations are a key element of success within a golf club’s business. The questions pertaining to operating models as well as Retainer parameters are becoming more frequent. The PGA have carried out extensive research in this space and will offer a free consultation to golf clubs. This process is designed to explore a club’s options and empower clubs to make informed decisions. For more information, please email to arrange a free consultation.

By GCMA Content Team

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