GCMA National Committee Meeting update

The meeting of the GCMA’s National Committee provided the platform for fruitful discussions about various topics, including the Association’s strategic plan.

On Tuesday 1st October, the GCMA’s National Committee, comprising Regional Managers, National Captain, Chairperson and CEO came together for its annual in-person meeting, along with the Association’s National Board of Directors and HQ Team.

This gathering provided a platform for meaningful discussions about the GCMA’s strategic plan, reviewing our progress and outlining future actions to meet our collective objectives.

The day was highly productive, allowing all in attendance the opportunity to revisit the pillars of our strategic plan while fostering stronger relationships among the group.

The meeting provided some clear next steps to continue working together to move the Association forwards with members at the heart of our decision making, as always.

Strategic Plan Progress

The meeting began with updates on the GCMA’s strategic plan, showcasing key milestones reached in the past year. Highlights included the re-launch of the GCMA online Information Library, a wealth of personal member support and wellbeing initiatives and the introduction of the new Advanced Management Programme.

Examples were also shared of how the GCMA are working more closely with our fellow Associations and Governing Bodies, helping to enhance the profile of the GCMA and our members. It was announced that our CEO, Tom Brooke, has recently been appointed as the new Chair of the GB&I Golf Forum, further highlighting the progress the Association has made in growing its involvement and influence within the wider industry.

We also discussed enhancements to regional business meetings, the rollout of a new national marketing strategy, the completion of the 2024 Member Survey, and the ongoing management of relationships within the national business partnership network.

Regional Meetings and Professional Development Improvements

A significant focus of the meeting was on enhancing regional meetings and professional development opportunities for GCMA Members.

A focussed discussion on improving educational content at regional meetings was held and the room shared feedback on what had been working well within each region. It was agreed that it would be of great benefit for the HQ team and Regional Managers to work more closely together on planning content and education sessions for regional meetings, based on member feedback and priority issues.

With the appointment of our new Professional Development Manager, Gareth Morgan, the HQ team are available to provide Regional Managers and Committees with any support that they require in this area.

Regional Marketing and Comms Support

Next discussions delved into regional marketing and communications support. Membership Services Manager, Natalie McColl, presented a proposal on how the team at HQ, including new Marketing and Comms Executive, Mark Shanley, could support Regional Managers moving forwards with tasks such as email marketing, regional meeting promotion and website management.

It was agreed that this would help to improve consistency of brand and messaging across all GCMA regions and enhance member experience, as well as providing Regional Managers with support and resources where required.

Building Relationships and Moving Forwards Together

The meeting proved to be a fantastic opportunity to strengthen relationships among the group and foster a spirit of collaboration. As we look to the future, the insights gained from this meeting, as well as feedback provided by members via our recent Member Survey, will play a crucial role in shaping our next steps as well as the GCMA’s next strategic cycle.

Thank you to all who attended, especially our Regional Managers and Board members who as volunteers regularly offer their time and expertise to further the ambitions and work of the Association.

Together, we hope to continue driving positive change within the GCMA, continue to place the needs of members at the heart of strategy and decision making and represent our members at the top table of golf.

By GCMA Content Team

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