Mi-Voice: Facilitating member engagement

Specialising in voting systems for member-based organisations, Mi-Voice offers an excellent solution for golf clubs.

Golf clubs seeking to engage their membership by providing voting services can turn to Mi-Voice to meet their needs.

Established in 2006 by iMeta Technologies, Mi-Voice provides dedicated voting services, supporting a variety of ballot types and voting methodologies.

The platform’s offering combines the modern and traditional, ensuring it is as inclusive and as cost-effective as possible.

You can watch GCMA Partnerships Manager Darren Wood in conversation with Ben Thomas, Director at Mi-Voice, in the video below.

“I was introduced to Ben and the Mi-Voice online voting platform by one of our long-standing GCMA members managing a prestigious club on England’s Golf Coast who had used the platform and suggested other managers and GCMA members could also benefit from the online solution,” said Darren.

“I’m delighted to have had the chance to chat to Ben about his company and software, which looks like a fantastic solution for clubs looking to engage more of their membership in club decision-making.”

Click here to find out more about Mi-Voice

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