Want your club to make better decisions? Attend our National Education Days

national education day

Are you a volunteer at your club, or do you sit on the committee or board? If you do, you need to find out more about two of the most important topics in the industry at one our National Education Days…

This article is part of GCMA Insights – topical content for golf industry professionals, discussing the things that matter to those who work in golf clubs.

How well is your club run? Could they do with a crash course in decision making? And what are they doing to protect the environment?

Two of the most important topics in golf clubs today – governance and sustainability – are on the agenda at one of three special meetings, and if you’re a club volunteer or serve on your board or committee we would love to have you there.  

We are continuing our series of National Education Days across the UK following the first, which was successfully staged at The Kendleshire, in Bristol, back in May.

The roadshow now moves to Carnoustie on October 11, and Walton Heath on November 23.

At each, The R&A’s director of sustainability, Arlette Anderson, will be joined by Dr Marie Athorn, business conversation advisor for the RSPB, to discuss your clubs can understand the impact they have on their environment, how to plan for the future, and practical ways of making changes.

Eddie Bullock and Jerry Kilby, both leading experts on governance, will also talk about how boards and committees can make better decisions – taking the audience through case studies from clubs and how lessons were learned.

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The event is open to non-GCMA members and the association are particularly keen for volunteers, members of golf club committees, and boards – as well as anyone else interested – to attend.

The GCMA’s professional development manager, said: “When you look at the golf club, and you think of the Professional side, the staff, and then the Volunteer side of the golf club, the board / committee members – we really want to bring those people on board with us.

“The aim is to ensure there is a greater understanding whenever those conversations are going on between the general manager, the chairperson, or the board.”

The events are each priced at £50 for GCMA members and £95 for non-members. To sign up at Carnoustie, click here. And to attend Walton Heath, register here.

This article is part of GCMA Insights – topical content for golf industry professionals, discussing the things that matter to those who work in golf clubs.

Get involved in the debate. To join the GCMA, click here, or to organise a call with a member of the GCMA team, just complete this form and we’ll be in touch!


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