Northamptonshire County Golf Club’s Course Manager Rob Hay highlights the huge benefits of the Clere GolfHub.
The Clere GolfHub is playing an instrumental role in developing the ecology programme at Northamptonshire County Golf Club.
Course Manager Rob Hay is seeing the varied benefits of having a central location for all supporting data, meaning teams are now able to collaborate seamlessly.
With the Clere GolfHub at their fingertips, staff can share information quickly and easily, self-map using mobile GPS while on the course, and upload photographic evidence of all works planned and completed.
“Ecology is a big part of what we want to do and the hub is playing a huge role in helping us manage that and categorise a lot of the compartments we’re working on,” said Rob.
“We’ve been able to locate areas where we need to concentrate the work that we have planned, and log it and record it in an effective way where everybody has access to it when they need it.”
About the Clere GolfHub
With an astounding array of practical applications, the Clere GolfHub is changing course management practices at facilities of all sizes.
Nothing is more important when it comes to making decisions than having access to good data, so imagine the value of having every detail of your golf course mapped, modelled and easily accessible even via your mobile phone.
That is the power the Clere GolfHub places in the hands of golf clubs, affording an unparalleled degree of precision and efficiency to give facilities a previously unattainable level of insight into their course, while ridding them of the burden of having to manage multiple, disparate stores of information that are prone to loss or damage.
The Clere team measure, scan and photograph your course to create a fully interactive aerial survey accurate to sub-10 centimetres. The GolfHub enables all course-related data to be stored, shared, edited and reviewed spatially in a single location from anywhere in the world.
The versatility of the GolfHub, as well as the ability to grant varying levels of access to people, is also proving a hit.
“We use the Hub in sort of lots of different ways,” Rob explained. “There’s parts of it we do on our phones and remotely on the course as we need to. I do find myself back in the office using the desktop now and again, just to finalise some of the details and sort of work on some of the finer points.
“What’s really useful for us is the amount of access people have within the Hub. My team have full access the same way I do, so they can access all layers and make changes to everything.
“When it gets to committee level, we’ve given them read-only access so they have an opportunity to see what we’re doing, but can’t make changes to the system without our say so.”
The comprehensive levels of data available to Rob and his team ensure greater efficiency in all their work, helping them to identify and remedy any issues much more quickly.
He said: “We’ve recently added our irrigation system to it so when we need to track and find sprinklers, we can turn on the GPS and walk straight to the area we’re looking for.
“It also allows us to measure out areas and work out spraying rates and quantities, so using the app has saved us an enormous amount of time.”