The Committee for Golf Club Salaries offers a tool that can help employers and other industry stakeholders understand market trends. Here, GCMA CEO Tom Brooke explains what the salary calculator is all about.
This article is part of GCMA Insights – topical content for golf industry professionals, discussing the things that matter to those who work in golf clubs.
Salaries can be a tricky subject. Trying to put a figure on the value of an employee’s service is rarely a simple process.
It is difficult to arrive at a final number that fairly reflects all the factors that should be taken into account, and that can mean the end result is not always to the satisfaction of all parties.
But thanks to the diligent efforts of the Committee for Golf Club Salaries (CGCS), there is a tool that can help simplify this process — a salary calculator designed specifically for use within golf clubs.
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Drawing on a broad range of data from across the industry, the calculator can be used to work out salary guidelines for a number of positions within golf clubs.
Here, GCMA CEO Tom Brooke explains the background and benefits of the salary calculator and the role members of the Association have had in honing the tool.

What is the background and function of the CGCS?
“It’s a collaboration of a number of bodies and associations with the shared goal of representing the interests of golf clubs across the UK. It considers salary and welfare matters with a view to promoting a healthy golf industry, in particular for club staff and officials.
“Through the committee, there is an annual review and that forms the basis of the salary guidelines which are provided to golf club employers, proprietors, board directors and others. One of the key things the CGCS provides is the salary calculator.”
What is the salary calculator?
“The salary calculator is a highly valuable tool for our members and their employers. It’s open to anyone, free to use, and it can help you work out salary guidelines for Golf Club Managers, Course Managers, Deputy Course Managers, and Assistant Greenkeepers.
“In the case of the salary calculator for Golf Club Managers, it allows you to filter by various criteria, including region, the size of the golf club, the individual’s level of responsibility across different areas, and their qualifications. From that information, it provides a guideline on the salary that the Golf Club Manager should expect.
“All this is drawn from a wide range of data that we collected through a thorough review of the service in 2023, which included a survey of our members to ascertain current salary levels within the market. The calculator also accounts for factors such as CPI and RPI, so it’s reflective of the wider economic and societal influences at play.
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“What the salary calculator is not intended for is to provide recommendations; we’re not trying to tell anyone how much they should be paying, but simply providing benchmarks and guidelines so they are armed with as much relevant information as possible when making those decisions.
“It is important to recognise that salary levels throughout the industry are of course hugely varied and do not just depend upon the size, stature or location of the golf club, but also what the golf club is looking for from their Manager. Some look for more of an operational-level manager, while increasingly so, clubs are now looking for their Manager to become the strategic lead for the business.”
What is the trend for Golf Club Manager salaries?
“The last time we conducted a full survey of Golf Club Manager salaries was 2019 and we’re very pleased to report that in the four-year since, there has been an average increase in salaries of over 20%. This is a positive sign that the value of an experienced and knowledgeable Golf Club Manager is becoming increasingly well recognised by golf clubs. Moving forward, we intend to conduct a salary survey every two years to ensure the calculator remains up to date.”
What would you say to anyone who has not previously used the salary calculator?
“It’s a tool that is there to help you make informed decisions based on data drawn straight from our members. It’s as accurate a tool as you could hope for in regards to discerning market trends and salary expectations. Put simply, it is certainly the best tool that someone could use to understand salaries in the golf club management sector.”
This article is part of GCMA Insights – topical content for golf industry professionals, discussing the things that matter to those who work in golf clubs.
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